August 2020 Newsletter


Join us for a panel discussion where you will hear first hand from healthcare workers and program implementers working in Canada and abroad to end TB!

Learn more and register now here:


To guide the strategic development and implementation of the Stop TB Canada network, we are forming a steering group committee! We are must unite to #endtb and we want to work alongside you to make Canada’s community as strong and as effective as possible!

Learn more and express your interest now by completing this short form:


Published in July 2020, this new Technical Brief is the first to provide guidance directly to policymakers and national TB programs to promote their understanding of human rights in the context of TB and to improve the interventions and programs accordingly.

Read now:


Stop TB Canada is working hard to rebuild! We recently revived the website and Twitter account.

We will be continuously working to build the new website into an effective communications tool and knowledge management resource. The website was designed to support and amplify your work so please do share feedback with us and make requests for content to be added (such as news, events, resources, etc.). 


Tag us in your TB related tweets and we will retweet your content! Also, do not hesitate to send us content via direct message and we will amplify and share the information widely! Feedback on content and messaging is also always welcome; we strive to be continuously learning and improving how we raise awareness about TB! 


Pretomanid, developed by the non-profit TB Alliance, has received EU marketing authorization in combination regimen with bedaquiline and linezolid in adults with XDR-TB or treatment intolerant / non- responsive MDR-TB.

Learn more:


Thank you!

This newsletter is supported by resources donated by Results Canada.