Who We Are
Our vision: A world free from tuberculosis.
Our mission: To raise awareness, mobilize communities, and generate the political will to end tuberculosis in Canada and abroad.
Stop TB Canada brings together individuals committed to ending TB at home and abroad, including researchers, advocates, practitioners, and TB survivors.
With this diversity in skillset and experiences comes a broad range of medical, social, and financial expertise needed to defeat TB.
Stop TB Canada draws on the knowledge and experience of its members to promote policy action, create public awareness, and mobilize communities affected by TB.
This shared platform enables cooperation and coordination among its members and other international organizations to increase community participation in the fight against TB.
Meet our steering committee and secretariat team
What we do:
We connect, support, and provide a platform of engagement for Canadians committed to ending TB at home and abroad.
We encourage knowledge sharing between TB programs and activities across different sectors and stakeholders.
We mobilize resources needed at the national and international level to end TB by developing strategic partnerships with communities, and public and private organizations.
We work to increase public awareness of TB.
We promote rights-based and person-centered approaches to support persons living with and affected by TB.
We influence TB-related policies through strategic advocacy and by equipping and mobilizing advocates to take action.
We hold Canada accountable to acting on the calls to action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and to achieving the Global TB targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the End TB Strategy, and the political declaration of the UN high-level meeting on TB in Canada and abroad.
Annual Report 2023-2024
Stop TB Canada’s fourth annual report since the reinvigoration of the network in 2020 celebrates our impact and growth between April 2023 and March 2024. This report illustrates how Stop TB Canada has delivered on its objectives this year through raising awareness, promoting policy action, and supporting communities affected by tuberculosis (TB). Each activity that the network engaged in this year helped move the needle towards realizing our vision of a world without TB.
Access the annual report here.
See previous Annual Reports;
Contact us.
Want to work together or have ideas for what more we can do to support the TB community in Canada? Reach out to us at