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TB Talks: Using the Medicine Wheel to inform the management of tuberculosis outbreaks in Indigenous communities

The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) is pleased to invite you to a virtual learning opportunity. Please join Dr. Pamela Orr and Dr. Kathleen McMullin in a conversation about using the Cree Medicine Wheel to teach us how to approach care during a TB outbreak in an Indigenous community. In the context of tuberculosis management, the Medicine Wheel provides a path for the establishment of respectful cross-cultural relationships, the expression of values through action, true community engagement and partnership, and the establishment of culture-based processes of transparency, accountability and change.


Dr. Kathleen McMullen

Kathleen McMullin is a member of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and resides in Prince Albert with her husband Brooks. She is the mother of two sons, Matthew (and his wife Andrea who gifted her with a Grandson, Logan) and Martin who walks in the Spirit World since 1999. Kathleen is employed at the University of Saskatchewan Community of Indigenous Nurses as an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper and Academic Advisor. She holds a PhD in Health Sciences, and her dissertation title is Kewetan: Walking in the Ancestral Footsteps of Our Woodland Cree Grandparents.

Dr. Pamela Orr

Pamela Orr started her career as a general practitioner in northern Manitoba and the Arctic. She is currently a Professor of Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Community Health at the University of Manitoba. She is engaged in research partnerships with First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities to support health and wellness. Dr. Orr is a past President of the North American Region of the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease, and previous Medical Director of the Manitoba TB Program.

Opening and closing remarks will be provided by Elder Syexwaliya Ann Whonnock, Squamish Nation.

We invite health care professionals and community health workers (including TB champions, DOT workers, administrative staff, etc.) working with First Nations, Inuit, or Métis People to attend.

Register here:

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