Global Fund Results Report 2024: Progress in the Fight Against Tuberculosis

Since its inception in 2002, the Global Fund partnership has saved 65 million lives, preventing millions of deaths from HIV, TB, and malaria, while advancing global efforts to strengthen health systems. The Global Fund’s 2024 Results Report recaps the tremendous strides made in Global Fund-supported countries over the past year, including a promising shift in the fight to end TB.

In 2023, TB programs fully rebounded from COVID-19 disruptions, restoring vital services that millions rely on for treatment and prevention. Screening and testing efforts continued to accelerate, and innovative tools and treatments were deployed to find and treat undiagnosed people. Despite this progress, TB continues to take a devastating toll. The disease claimed an estimated 1.3 million lives in 2022, maintaining its title as the world’s deadliest infectious disease.

The Impact of Global Fund TB Programs
The Global Fund remains a pivotal player in the fight against TB, providing 76% of all international financing for TB programs. Since 2002, it has invested $9.9 billion in TB programs and an additional $1.9 billion in TB/HIV co-infection efforts. These investments have been instrumental in preventing the spread of TB and saving lives.

In 2023, Global Fund-supported programs treated a record 7.1 million people for TB, including 121,000 people on treatment for drug-resistant TB. Additionally, 2 million people received TB preventive therapy. 

Despite these achievements, more action is needed to meet global targets and end TB as a public health threat by 2030. Barriers to treatment, persistent inequities, and the structural drivers of TB - including gender and human rights challenges - continue to impact millions of people around the world.

Canada’s Role in the Fight to End TB

Canada has been a steadfast supporter of the Global Fund since 2002, contributing over CAD$4.39 billion to date. In 2022, during the Global Fund’s 7th replenishment, Canada made its largest-ever investment towards an international financing institution for health, pledging CAD$ 1.2 billion. This pledge represented a 30% increase from the previous replenishment. This historic investment is an example of Canada’s commitment to addressing the world’s deadliest diseases, including TB, and ensuring that underserved populations worldwide have access to lifesaving treatments. 

Looking Ahead: Sustaining the Momentum

As the world gears up for the Global Fund’s 8th replenishment in 2025, the stakes are higher than ever. Stop TB Canada and its partners will be urging Canada to maintain its leadership and financial support for the Global Fund. Continued investment is critical to ending the epidemics of TB, HIV/AIDS, and malaria, as well as strengthening health systems to prevent future pandemics.


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