Reflecting on a year of impact
The Stop TB Canada network has had an amazing year of impact, helping to move the needle towards TB elimination through advocacy. Thank you to our fellow advocates and dedicated partners for playing a critical part in our collective successes this year. While the fight to end TB has faced many challenges in recent years, our network remains committed to getting back on track to TB elimination, through raising awareness of TB, promoting policy action and increasing resources for TB, and mobilizing the TB-affected community. Some of the highlights from 2022 are listed below:
Raising public awareness of TB
Stop TB Canada is committed to raising awareness of TB. The network engaged in a variety of public awareness campaigns, communications tactics, and strategic partnerships to increase the public’s knowledge of TB, including webinars, national calls, publications, social media, and campaign events.
World TB Day 2022
World TB Day is a critical day to shine a light on TB and stand in solidary with all those affected by this disease. This year, the network co-led and participated in several parliamentary, public, and media engagements to mobilize advocates in the fight to end TB, including:
A record number of local landmarks across the country lit up in red on World TB Day
The launch the Canadian TB Tracker to monitor progress to Canada’s TB elimination commitments
An interactive and informative Prezi tool, designed to educate the network about the impact of COVID-19 on TB programs and care
You can check out the full recap of Stop TB Canada’s events on World TB Day 2022 here.
Conference participation
Stop TB Canada’s presence at various conferences, including the Union-NAR annual TB conference, the International AIDS Conference, and the Canadian Conference on Global Health served as great opportunities to connect with partners and allied organizations, and to increase awareness of our work and of TB.
Promoting policy action and increasing resources for TB
Stop TB Canada engages with parliamentarians and decision makers to influence policy decisions and increase resources for TB. Our network’s activities, such as meeting with Members of Parliament, sending letters to Ministers, and engaging in pre-budget consultations, have contributed to big impact, including:
On World TB Day, Minister of International Development, Harjit Sajjan, joined our partners at an event in Ottawa hosted by Results Canada, where he announced an investment of $11 million to TB REACH. TB REACH works with community led programs to ensure that people affected by TB in hard-to-reach communities can get the care they need. We thank the Honourable Harjit Sajjan and Canada for taking this critical step towards TB elimination.
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Over the course of several months, Stop TB Canada and civil society partners called for Canada to step up in the #FightForWhatCounts to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Seventh Replenishment. At the replenishment conference in September, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demonstrated outstanding leadership with a $1.21 billion pledge to the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment and an additional contribution of CAD$100 million for the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism. This historic investment could not have been achieved without the grit of our partners, volunteers, and supporters! Read our full Global Fund Campaign recap here.
Domestic TB advocacy
At the International AIDS Conference this summer, advocates added their voices to our call for Canada to increase its TB elimination efforts. Over 80 postcards were collected and delivered to the Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos. Stop TB Canada continues to call for the Government to address the TB crisis in Canada, by implementing and developing a National TB Elimination Strategy. Learn more about how you can join us in this advocacy here.
Mobilizing and supporting people affected by TB
TBpeople Canada was launched this year to provide a supportive community for people who have or had TB, family members, friends and caregivers. We provide a safe space for members to come together and share stories, experiences, and resources to foster feelings of togetherness and solidarity, while providing the opportunity for members to strengthen their advocacy skills Follow along and join our community here.
Thank you!
This past year has been very impactful and we are so grateful for our partners, allies, and supporters who have joined us in our advocacy. We look forward to the opportunities that 2023 will bring to help get TB on domestic and global political agendas. Thank you for joining us in the quest to end TB. We are keen to work together to continue building the political will to eliminate this ancient disease. See you in 2023 for another year of big impact for TB.