Welcome to the 2022 steering committee!
Last year, the Stop TB Canada steering committee was formed to guide the strategic development and implementation of the network by providing perspective, guidance, and expert advice on our operations. We are pleased to announce that the next cohort of the steering committee has been formed, to build on the progress of the last year and increase our impact in the quest to end TB!
On January 19, 2022 we held our first steering committee meeting of the year. At this 2022 kickoff meeting, we welcomed new members and announced Tina Campbell’s appointment to the position of co-chair of the network, which she will take on alongside Dr. Elizabeth Rea. This meeting was a great start to a year of ambition and high-level impact!
The steering committee is made of a wide array of TB experts based in Canada who will be guiding our strategy. We are looking forward to collaborating with the steering committee throughout the year in an effort to realize our mission of ending tuberculosis at home and abroad. We are grateful to have such a competent, dedicated and powerful group of individuals to guide and advise Stop TB Canada’s operations!
The steering committee and Stop TB Canada secretariat had their first meeting of the year on January 19, 2022 to plan for an exciting year ahead!
Stop TB Canada steering committee members:
Adam I. Graham, Program Manager, Plan International Canada - Vancouver, BC
Adam R. Houston, Health & Human Rights Advocacy/Research, MSF Canada - Victoria, BC
Dr. Ben Geboe, Social Worker, International Indigenous Peoples Working Group for HIV/AIDS - Montreal, QC
Dr. Courtney Heffernan, TB Researcher, University of Alberta - Edmonton, AB
Dr. Dina Fisher, Pulmonologist, University of Calgary - Calgary, AB
Dr. Elizabeth Rea, Medical Officer, Toronto Public Health - Toronto, ON
Hilmi Quraishi, CEO, ZMQ Global - Montreal, QC
Petra Heitkamp, Community Manager, TB PPM/McGill University - Ottawa, ON
Priya Amin, TB Survivor - Toronto, ON
Dr. Robyn Waite, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Results Canada - Ottawa, ON
Dr. Suvesh Shrestha, PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa - Ottawa, ON
Tina L. Campbell, TB Advisor, Norther Inter-Tribal Health Authority - Prince Albert, SK
Trevor Stratton, Indigenous Policy Leadership Manager, CAAN - Niagara Falls, ON
Dr. Wendy Wobeser, Associate Professor, Queens University - Kingston, On
Stop TB Canada core secretariat team:
Alexandra Zimmer, PhD Candidate, McGill International TB Centre - Montreal, QC
Leah Goldschmidt, Student, York University - Toronto, ON
Leigh Raithby, Policy and Advocacy Officer, Results Canada - Toronto, ON
Lena Faust, PhD Candidate, McGill International TB Centre - Montreal, QC
Dr. Robyn Waite, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Results Canada - Ottawa, ON