A World TB Day Like No Other

By Leigh Raithby and Amal Abdulrahman

This year has been an especially unique World TB Day in light of the pandemic. Yet, despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, Canadians made it clear that they care about ending TB. Their collective voice was demonstrated by the record number of actions taken to light up landmarks, secure Mayor proclamations, and create a presence in the media to draw attention to this issue. Together, with our global partners, we lit up the world in red to stand in solidarity with the millions of people affected by TB and all those who have lost their lives.

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World TB Day serves as a reminder of the progress made thus far in the fight to end TB, as well as the tremendous work still to come. While the incidence of TB in high-income countries dwindles towards elimination targets, the burden of disease continues to fall on marginalized populations. Even within Canada, TB presents a significant concern amongst Indigenous and newcomer communities. Despite eradication being achievable in many regions, the persistence of TB demonstrates the vast health inequities that continue to exist in our world.

Stop TB Canada and Results Canada believe in the power of generating the political will to end TB, at home and abroad. In the lead up to World TB Day, our networks worked tirelessly together to engage with politicians and educate them about this disease of inequity. In addition to numerous meetings with Members of Parliament across the country, Stop TB Canada sent letters to the Minister of Health, Minister of International Development, and Minister of Indigenous Services, calling on Canada to scale up its efforts in the fight to end TB. With over 40 Mayor proclamations and monuments lit up in red for World TB Day, Results Canada seized the opportunity to reach out to respective MPs in these ridings, reiterating that their constituents care about ending TB. 

This past Tuesday, the webinar Together against TB: A World TB Day discussion on taking action to #endTB was held in collaboration with Results Canada and Partners in Health Canada. Throughout this event, distinguished speakers shared their experiences with TB and their insights into how we can take meaningful, high-impact action to end TB, especially alongside the challenges posed by COVID-19. “If we want to eradicate TB by 2030, more efforts need to be turned towards TB elimination resource information development” said Tina Campbell, one of the speakers at the webinar. For those interested, you can find a recording of the webinar here

The success of this World TB Day was made possible by volunteers across the country, who urged Canada to mobilize its efforts in TB elimination and maintain investment in TB REACH. The work of this program has saved approximately 1.3 million lives to date by locating people with TB in hard-to-reach communities, ensuring that they can access the care that they need. To demonstrate their support for Canada’s investment in TB, over 30 pieces were published in the media by Canadians who care about seeing progress toward TB elimination. 

Thank you to everyone who took action for World TB Day! When we work together, our collective efforts will have a greater impact towards ending TB. 


March 2021 Newsletter


Meetings with Members of Parliament